On Scene with OSCR360: Fatal Fire Investigation with a Northeastern State Fire Marshal
OSCR360 is assisting police & fire agencies across the country. See how the system was used at a fatal fire investigation in the north eastern U.S.
OSCR360 is assisting police & fire agencies across the country. See how the system was used at a fatal fire investigation in the north eastern U.S.
OSCR360 is on scene. Check out how OSCR was used by this Illinois agency in documenting a vehicle interior for fingerprint processing.
OSCR in the News: After purchasing OSCR360 the Dallas County Sheriff’s Department in Alabama was featured in the news. According to the Alabama news room, the Department plans to utilize OSCR360 for their “major crime scenes – any homicide or death investigations.” The department wants the public to know that they’re “doing everything possible whether it’s technology or more training or whatever. We’re doing what it takes to give the community a better sheriff’s office.”
What a year 2020 has been. Amidst everything happening in the world, and at our company, L-Tron was awarded the Rochester AMA Pinnacle award for “Best Small Business Campaign.” We attribute this to the collaborative efforts of our sales & marketing teams, and our ability to adapt & remain agile during uncertain times.
The investigations division of a Florida Sheriff’s Department is just one of the many agencies who recognized the benefits of the OSCR360 desktop software right from the start. While demoing OSCR360, one detective mentioned to me that they were working on a particularly controversial case involving multiple murders, circumstantial evidence, and more. The department was in the process of putting together a case overview – read how OSCR helped
Each crime scene technician at this department has an OSCR capture kit readily available to accompany them on EVERY scene. Learn the additional benefits of outfitting each crime scene tech’s van with OSCR360.
Meet Alex & OSCR360 – they have been traveling the country and meeting with departments nationwide. Hear about Alex’s first time at a live crime scene, and how OSCR360 assisted with documenting an unattended death…
Austin Police Department recently completed a full-day of training with L-Tron on the OSCR360 hardware and software equipment for crime scene investigation, scene documentation and case organization.
Boston Police Department recently completed a day of training with the L-Tron team focused on the OSCR360 hardware and software for crime scene investigation, scene documentation, and case organization. The training occurred over two sessions on November 13th and included approximately two-dozen members of Boston Police Department’s Crime Scene Response Unit.
L-Tron has returned from a successful trip to the 60th Annual Florida IAI Forensic Educational Training Conference, held in Fort Lauderdale. The conference took place from October 20-23, 2019. and is the largest state-run division conference of the IAI (International Association for Identification).