Brother Pocketjet 8 mobile printer for Law enforcement

PJ8 options and accessories: Selecting the right in-car printer for your patrol car 

The PocketJet 8® is the latest installment in the Brother® mobile printer series that law enforcement agencies have relied on for decades. Lightweight, dependable and low-maintenance, the PJ8 is ideal for printing eCitations and collision reports on the roadside. See the full list of PJ8 options & accessories, and how to choose the right in-car printer for your patrol vehicle.

Brother Pocketjet 8 Launch

Brother® PocketJet 8 FAQs: Accessories, Connectivity, Warranty & More 

Our Law Enforcement team speaks with agencies looking for mobile printers, paper and other eCitation equipment daily. Lately, we’ve been fielding questions about Brother’s new PocketJet 8 Mobile Printers. This Brother PocketJet 8 FAQs blog is meant to answer the questions that are on your mind about these new mobile printers – other agencies have likely asked them too! 

pcoketjet 8 vs pocketjet 7 new USB

The Brother PocketJet 8 vs. the Brother PocketJet 7 – Increased Speed, Battery Life & Connectivity 

When it comes to in-vehicle printing, police officers and tech experts recognize Brother® as a name that can be trusted. Brother recently released the newest version of their popular and well-liked PocketJet® series of printers – the Brother PocketJet®8. We break down the key differences between the Brother PocketJet 8 vs. the Brother PocketJet 7 and the new features you can look for in this new model printer. 

What is a mobile printer?

What is a Mobile Printer?

What is a mobile printer? Mobile printing sends data from a portable device to produce tangible print products. The benefits of mobile printers are in time and cost savings, productivity, improved customer service, and even safety.
