L-Tron recognizes the outstanding work and effort that our employees put forth every day.

L-Tron Family Photo June 2018

On Friday, June 29th, the L-Tron team came together to celebrate several employee anniversaries. Given that most of our employees stay with the company long-term, L-Tron has made an effort to recognize the staff for their years of service.

This June, we celebrated the following employee anniversaries with the L-Tron team:







7 years

5 years

4 years

3 years

1 year

1 year

Quality & Customer Care Team

Quality & Customer Care Team

Director of Solutions Team

Director of Engineering

Sales Team

Quality Management Team

Moving forward, L-Tron will honor employee anniversaries regularly. Each employee receives an “Oscar” in honor of L-Tron’s OSCR360 Solution. The team will also celebrate with cake, champagne and pizza for lunch. Each honoree will receive a gift bag from L-Tron, a signed photo of the L-Tron team with notes from the staff, and a bottle of wine. Tomorrow, Doris and Cathy are both celebrating milestone anniversaries.

L-Tron is so thankful for our amazing team members. We are more than co-workers, but truly a family that stands by one another.


victor chamber awardsAbout L-Tron Corporation

L-Tron specializes in data collection technology and purpose-built equipment for Law Enforcement. Built from the voice of the user, our solutions are used in over 2,000 municipalities across 49 states.

L-Tron began 43 years ago as a leader in barcode technologies. 17 years ago, we created the 4910LR Driver’s License Reader (then the 4710) for eCitation and incident reporting, moving to provide for the needs of the Law Enforcement industry. Our dedicated technology support team includes retired Law Enforcement Officers to better serve the needs of our customers.

We are a team that is proud to ‘Back the Blue’ and we regularly give back to Law Enforcement and the Rochester community. Our initiatives include; research and knowledge sharing on distracted patrol, partnering with the Badge of Honor Association, sponsoring free photography training courses, participating in ‘Cookies for a Cop’ and organizing a ‘Books and Bears‘ drive for the Rochester Police Department. Additionally, L-Tron has participated in the Day of Caring, and the ‘Together we Can’ drive with United Way.

L-Tron is most proud of our strong team. We have a company culture that promotes individual leaders and complete transparency. We strive for excellence every day. Thank you to our team members who are celebrating anniversaries with us – your success is our passion. We would not be here without you.

Check out some pictures from our employee anniversaries celebration:

employee anniversaries OSCARS  work anniversary  Gayle Unstoppable

L-Tron Logo 2018

Questions? Interested in learning more?

Get in touch with the L-Tron team.

Call 800-830-9523 or Email info@L-Tron.com
