How does OSCR360 assist with each component of your Emergency Response Plan? SRP Action: Evacuate

The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) has been adopted by hundreds of school districts and emergency response agencies nationwide who are working together to keep students and staff safe at school. The SRP provides a framework of standardized language and actions to follow during every type of event, from minor threats to large scale emergencies.

Discover more about the SRP Action: Evacuate. See when this directive would be used and how OSCR360 can help create and organize your emergency operations plans.

SRP Action: Lockdown - classroom locks and desks

How does OSCR360 assist with each component of your Emergency Response Plan? SRP Action: Lockdown

During the SRP Action: lockdown, individual rooms are to be secured, and students are to stay quiet and hidden.

The Lockdown action is typically followed by the directive “Locks. Lights. Out of Sight.”

Lockdowns are issued when student and staff safety is threatened inside of the school building. Students and staff are to lock or barricade themselves within the room and hide quietly until help arrives to safely release them.

OSCR360 can be implemented into your school’s emergency plans. See how the system can assist with planning and training for a school lockdown.

How does OSCR360 assist with each component of your Emergency Response Plan? SRP Action: Secure

The SRP Action: Secure is followed by the directive “Get inside. Lock outside doors.”

When the secure directive is issued, it indicates that there is a potential danger outside of the school building. The intention is to safeguard students within the confines of the locked school. All students and staff are to go inside, and the exterior doors of the school building are locked. There are typically few, if any, changes to the normal happenings within the school building during this type of temporary threat.

See how OSCR360 can assist with the SRP Secure action.

SRP Action: Hold. Image of desks in a classroom

How does OSCR360 assist with each component of your Emergency Response Plan? SRP Action: Hold

The Standard Response Protocol originated in 2009 with a simple, yet clear, mission: Keep schools safe.

The SRP focuses on providing uniformity and consistency for responding to any – and every – type of hazardous scenario. As part of a school district’s broader emergency plan, the SRP promotes the use of both common language and common expectations when teaching and training students, staff, and first responders on emergency protocols.

See how OSCR360 can be used to support the first SRP Action: Hold

What role does OSCR360 play in your School Standard Response Protocol?

The Standard Response Protocol (SRP) was developed to provide common language, training and expectations that students, teachers and first responders should use during any crisis situation. The Protocol is created from research-based best practices and provides a familiar, rehearsed approach to all types of hazards and emergency scenarios. This includes everything from natural disasters and fires to active shooter threats, or potential danger in the vicinity of the school district, and more.

See how OSCR360 can assist with your school standard response protocol.

NASRO School Safety Conference

Press Release: L-Tron & OSCR360 Return from Indianapolis Emergency Preparedness and School Safety Conference 

The L-Tron team has returned from the 2023 National Association for School Resource Officers (NASRO) National School Safety Conference. Held at the JW Marriott in Indianapolis, the NASRO Conference was geared at equipping school resource officers with the knowledge and tools they need to prepare for a safe campus-wide environment.  OSCR360 was well-received by conference attendees. See more on the event here..

active shooter preplanning

Press Release: OSCR360 Team to Attend Upcoming NASRO School Safety Conference 

The L-Tron team will attend the 2023 National Association for School Resource Officers (NASRO) School Safety Conference at the JW Marriott in Indianapolis, IN. The NASRO School Safety Conference will run from June 28 – July 3, and the L-Tron team will be available June 28 and 29th to show the OSCR360 system to attendees.

The importance of a reunification plan

What is a Reunification Plan? The importance of working together to reunite families after an emergency

Anytime a school district experiences an unexpected emergency situation, where students are evacuated from their school building, the aftermath may prove more challenging to navigate than the emergency itself. The district has a responsibility to reunite hundreds of children with their families as safely, orderly, and efficiently as possible. Discover more about creating a reunification plan..
