Press Release: L-Tron Returns from Texas ALERRT Training Conference

L-Tron has returned from the 2024 ALERRT Training Conference, which took place earlier this month. This one-of-a-kind conference is held annually to prepare first responders, emergency management teams, community leaders, schools, and hospitals to respond to emergency events utilizing an integrated training approach.

SRP Action: Hold. Image of desks in a classroom

How does OSCR360 assist with each component of your Emergency Response Plan? SRP Action: Hold

The Standard Response Protocol originated in 2009 with a simple, yet clear, mission: Keep schools safe.

The SRP focuses on providing uniformity and consistency for responding to any – and every – type of hazardous scenario. As part of a school district’s broader emergency plan, the SRP promotes the use of both common language and common expectations when teaching and training students, staff, and first responders on emergency protocols.

See how OSCR360 can be used to support the first SRP Action: Hold

Active Threat and Emergency Response Training for Fire Departments

Firefighters routinely find themselves entering first response situations blindly, not knowing what might be in store for them when they respond to a call.

Unfortunately, it isn’t logistically possible for every firefighter to physically tour and train within every public space or high-risk environment. Yet, imagine if every firefighter on the force had virtual access to each place of public assembly in their district, including schools, hospitals, government buildings and more.

See how OSCR360 can provide a valuable look inside public spaces so that fire departments can familiarize themselves with a building’s layout and plan for an emergency.
