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Package Tracking

Who cares about Package Tracking?

We work with campus mail services who are interested in improving package traceability and delivery confirmation by implementing a simple and intuitive solution. Through a Package Tracking Solution, Mail Services personnel are able to track and trace packages throughout their process in a manner that is easily searchable and comprehensive.

A Package Tracking Solution would typically be utilized in the following manner:

In addition, this solution allows for real-time status updates providing the Mail Services staff with all the data they need to answer the famed question, “Where is my package?”

The flowchart to the right represents how a typical Package Tracking Solution is utilized.

Some features of a Package Tracking Solution:

  • Track packages immediately upon arrival to campus all the way through to recipient delivery.
  • Eliminate manual processes (and errors!) by using a handheld computer, just like the UPS and FedEx couriers use!
  • Provide proof-of-delivery with signature capture pads or ID card swiping from your desktop PC or the same handheld computer.

Use a Package Tracking Solution in any organization with a central package receiving area, such as:

  • Colleges & Universities
  • K-12 School Districts
  • Federal & State Government
  • Medium & Large Companies


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